Memoirs of a Grade 5 Class

Dearest Parents and Guardians,

What a jam packed crazy year 2017 has been! I would like to thank all the Grade 5 students for their consistent hard work. It has been wonderful seeing them progress throughout the year. They would like to share with you all their favourite moments of being a Grade 5 student. It’s great to know they have enjoyed themselves, I know that I have.

Abdul: All the excursions we went on!
Atyaf: Planting the veggies with our buddies.
Ayshanur: The Colour Fun Run! It was the best!
Diya: The School Concert and also being elected school captain. PS: Thank you to all those who voted for me.
Hyder: Our Music lessons with Mr. Close. We got to use different instruments which were cool.
Laith: Playing soccer with my friends during lunch.
Mahdi: Our Drama lessons with Miss Avan and playing different games.
Mariam: I enjoyed learning. I feel like I have really improved this year which makes me happy.
Marwa: Our Art lessons with Miss Casonato.
Mehak: Going to Twisted Science and doing experiments.
Mohammed: Having PE lessons with Mr Humphreys. We learnt lots of new skills and had fun.
Mustfa: Having Miss Avan as my teacher.
Nada: Our Art lessons with Miss Casonato. We made lots of cool things.
Qunoot: I loved everything!
Raihaan: Urban Camp and exploring different places in Melbourne.
Saira: Definitely the Urban Camp! It was so much fun.
Tahira: Having Miss Avan as our Drama teacher. We did lots of fun activities in that subject.
Yusuf: Drama classes were really good. I particularly liked it when we got to act in our groups.

I would also like to congratulate our new School Captains Diya Qambari and Raihaan Syed. We wish them all the best in their new role.

To all parents/guardians and students, I would like to wish you all a happy and a safe holiday.

Take care,

Miss Funda Avan
Grade 5 Teacher